CANCELLED: Monarch Tagging 2024
This event is no longer on sale.
Each fall, KNC and Michigan Butterfly Network researchers host guided tagging days so that anyone who is interested can join in this vital effort to conserve the species. Much of what we’ve discovered about their remarkable migration, including migration routes, timing and pace, and rates of mortality throughout their journey have come from these organized tagging efforts. As tagging effort increases, so will our understanding of their migration and population dynamics, allowing us to better conserve and protect them. Join our beginner-friendly monarch tagging days in the Emma Pitcher Prairie at KNC in 2023!
When you arrive, please park in the VC upper parking lot. Please do not apply bug spray the day of the event if you would like to handle Monarchs. Nets and tags will be provided. We will be walking through an open prairie searching for butterflies. Please bring plenty of water, sunscreen, hats, and any other sun protection you would like.
Members: please remember to log in to receive your 30% discount at checkout.